DR. 彼得一个. 伊甸当选澳门线上博彩公司官网第七任校长
2024年5月14日. 彼得一个. 伊甸被任命为富兰克林·皮尔斯的第七任总统 经校董会一致投票通过.
Dr. 伊甸园 brings extensive experience and a proven track record of 领袖ship in academic 澳门线上博彩公司官网的创新和财务管理. 他成功的 history in fundraising and financial stability aligns perfectly with the university's strategic priorities, particularly in understanding and meeting the diverse needs 澳门线上真人博彩公司的学生. 此外,博士. 伊登在生物医学科学方面的背景增强了 富兰克林·皮尔斯继续扩大其研究生联合健康项目.
彼得一个. 伊甸当选澳门线上博彩公司官网第七任校长
Dr. 彼得一个. 艾登,现任地标学院院长,被任命为 7th President of 澳门线上博彩公司官网 following a unanimous vote of the Board 受托人的. Dr. 伊甸园将于7月15日正式上任.
“澳门线上真人博彩公司非常高兴地欢迎. 彼得·伊登作为富兰克林·皮尔斯的下一任总统 大学董事会主席史蒂夫·杜普雷说. “Dr. 伊甸园's remarkable track record of innovative 领袖ship in higher education and his dedication to enhancing academic programs and financial stability make him uniquely 有资格领导富兰克林·皮尔斯. 澳门线上真人博彩公司相信,在他的领导下, 大学将达到成功的新高度.”
自2011年成为Landmark College的校长以来. 伊甸领导了一个重要的 振兴机构. 他的任期的特点是引进 of new degree programs and a graduate-level online certificate program, along with diversifying revenue streams, all in line with the college’s mission to serve college-capable 学习差异学生. Dr. 伊甸园在创造《澳门线上真人博彩公司》中发挥了重要作用, 面向全国学生的可扩展教育平台. 在他的领导下, the college’s endowment has doubled, ensuring robust financial health and enabling the institution to successfully navigate demographic shifts and budgetary challenges 通过对员工和项目的战略性投资. 成功的筹款活动 在博士. 伊甸园还包括建造Nicole Goodner MacFarlane的资本活动 科学、技术 & Innovation Center; the turf Charles Drake Field for soccer and lacrosse; and a new facilities complex. 此外,他致力于培养 diversity and inclusion led to the creation of the 中心 for Diversity and 包容, significantly enhancing the college’s 社区和文化,加强招生. He also prioritized opportunities for student-athletes by elevating and supporting Landmark的体育项目. 他本人就是一名运动员. 伊甸在几个成人中扮演角色 ice hockey leagues 在基恩 and is involved in other local athletics programs through 他的孩子们.
“I am genuinely honored and excited to join the 澳门线上博彩公司官网 community, 我的家人也有同感。. 伊甸园. “这个机会很诱人, as Pierce has all the pieces for success in a challenging higher education industry, including a beautiful New England campus, Academic 中心 with programs based in the growing allied health fields, online learning platforms, a reputation as a Division II athletics powerhouse, personalized academic pathways leading to careers, and dedicated 教职员工.”
“Building on the hard work of others, we must increasingly engage Ravens alumni; raise significant funds to improve the campus, invest in our human capital; stay abreast of ever-changing priorities and needs of current and future undergraduate and graduate students; and find effective ways to reach and attract prospective students outside 伊登补充道. “在Landmark College,澳门线上真人博彩公司是一个真正紧密联系的社区 with a personalized approach to everything, including access to me and my office. Therefore, I am looking forward to a very close relationship with all members of the Pierce community, as we take risks and intentionally adapt in ways that deliver student 成功,无论如何定义和衡量.”
在他进入Landmark之前,Dr. 伊甸担任过几个重要角色,包括 Dean of Arts and Sciences at Endicott College and as a tenured Associate Professor 玛丽伍德大学科学系主任. 他丰富的学术生涯 is supplemented by his research contributions, having secured funding from prominent institutions like the National Institutes of 健康 (NIH) and National Science Foundation (NSF). Dr. 伊登也是一位多产的作家,在《澳门线上真人博彩公司》上发表了许多文章 科学和教育领域.
Dr. 伊甸园's academic journey began 在大学 of Massachusetts Amherst, where 他获得了本科学位. 他继续完成了博士学位.D. 在大学 of New Hampshire and his post-doctoral training at the Massachusetts Institute of 微生物学、分子生物学和神经生物学技术. 他早期的职业生涯 includes impactful roles such as a molecular biologist and later as a research project 生物测量公司董事. (Beaufour-IPSEN),在马萨诸塞州米尔福德和巴黎, 法国. Dr. 伊登和他的妻子乔安妮,柴郡医疗中心的护士麻醉师 他们有三个孩子,阿提克斯、德克斯特和薇薇安.
President Kim Mooney ’83 will retire on June 30 after serving eight years as the institution’s 领袖. 前受托人,曾担任大学教务长和 主管学术事务的副校长. 穆尼也是第一个富兰克林·皮尔斯 校友担任大学校长.
彼得一个. 伊甸园,Ph值.D.他曾担任佛蒙特州普特尼地标学院的校长 自2011年以来. He led a turnaround effort at the young college, which serves only college-capable 学习差异学生. 有生物医学研究的背景, 教学和学术. 伊甸园见证了一个时代的成长和发展 创新的本科和研究生学术课程.
在担任Landmark的总裁后不久,Dr. 伊登是学院的先锋 first baccalaureate programs and other initiatives to diversify revenue streams—all 与学院的核心使命一致. 伊登总统在创造方面发挥了重要作用 LC Online, a scalable educational platform that serves neurodivergent students across 世界和教育专业人士在研究生水平. 在他的领导下, the college's endowment has more than doubled to $35 million, and Landmark has maintained strong financial health, successfully navigating demographic shifts and budgetary 通过对员工和项目进行战略性投资来应对挑战.
在Dr. 伊甸园已经包括资本运动来建设 Nicole Goodner MacFarlane科学技术 & Innovation Center; the turf Charles Drake Field for soccer and lacrosse; and a new facilities complex. 最近,总统 伊甸园 led efforts to complete a $12 million comprehensive campaign to support the endowment, student scholarships, and strategic initiatives like LC Online and career readiness/internships. 此外,他致力于培养 diversity and inclusion led to the creation of the 中心 for Diversity and 包容, significantly enhancing the college’s 社区和文化,加强招生. 伊登总统也优先考虑 opportunities for student-athletes by elevating and supporting the sports programs 在具有里程碑意义的. 他本人就是一名运动员. 伊登在几个成人冰球联盟打球 在基恩. Dr. 伊甸园的努力不仅保证了未来的经济,学生生活, and academic framework of Landmark College, but have also helped to establish a successful 机构品牌.
在加入Landmark College之前,Dr. 伊甸担任文理学院院长 他是马萨诸塞州比佛利市恩迪科特学院的生物技术教授. 他之前是 a tenured associate professor and chair of the science department at Marywood University 在宾夕法尼亚州的邓莫尔. 他也是杰克逊实验室的研究员 and a visiting professor at the College of the Atlantic, both in Bar Harbor, Maine. Before transitioning to higher education, 总统伊甸园 worked in the biopharmaceutical 在biommeasure, Inc .任职. (IPSEN)在马萨诸塞州米尔福德和法国巴黎, initially as a molecular biologist, then advancing to research project director.
Dr. 伊甸园 earned his undergraduate degree 在大学 of Massachusetts Amherst. 他完成了博士学位。.D. 他是新罕布什尔大学的博士后 training at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in microbiology, molecular biology, 和细胞神经生物学.
He has published numerous articles and received research funding grants from the National 美国卫生研究院(NIH)和美国国家科学基金会(NSF). 伊登总统继续 to directly contribute to grant proposal creation 在具有里程碑意义的 and was the author of 最近为LC在线学生提供的100万美元奖学金.
Dr. 伊登和他的妻子乔安妮,柴郡医疗中心的护士麻醉师 在基恩, 是三个孩子的父母,阿提克斯,德克斯特和薇薇安.